Knowing facts about periods is incredibly important for women because it helps you understand your body better and take charge of your health. When you know what’s normal and what’s not, you can spot potential issues early and seek help if needed. This knowledge also makes it easier to talk about periods openly, reducing the stigma and creating a more supportive environment. Plus, being informed can help you make better choices about your lifestyle, from diet to exercise, which can improve your overall well-being. This Period quiz will be the ultimate test of your knowledge
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#1. How many phases are there in a menstrual cycle?
Tsk tsk. There are 4 phases of menstrual cycle: menstruation, follicular phase, ovulation phase and luteal phase!

#2. Is it true that women who live together will eventually have their menstrual cycles sync up?

#3. Is it possible to get pregnant during your period?
Oopsies 🙂 incorrect

#4. How long on average does a woman menstruate in their lifetime?
It’s okay, you don’t have to cry

#5. How many periods does a woman go through in their lifetime?
Sometimes, the truth hurts

#6. When is the fertile window during your period?
It’s okay. We all make mistakes sometimes

#7. Eating chocolate during your period can reduce period cramps
Atleast you know that chocolate is good for you now 😉

#8. Does exercising during your period worsen menstrual cramps?
Dang it! Close one

#9. The sound of your voice changes during your period.
Yes! Your voice changes during your period. Crazy right?