Is My Boyfriend A Narcissist? Quiz

Figuring out if your boyfriend is a narcissist is really important for your own peace of mind and happiness. If he is, you might notice he’s manipulative, lacks empathy, and always puts his needs first. This can make you feel emotionally drained and hurt. Knowing these traits early on helps you protect yourself, set boundaries, and decide if this relationship is truly what’s best for you. It’s about ensuring you’re in a loving, respectful partnership where you feel valued and secure. Hopefully, this quiz will help you get the answers that you need. So let’s find out, is my boyfriend a narcissist?

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#1. Does he become angry, defensive, or dismissive when criticized?

#2. Does he often refuse to take responsibility for his actions and blame others instead?

#3. Does he constantly talk about his achievements, looks, or status?

#4. Is he overly controlling in your relationship, dictating what you do or who you see?

#5. Does he have a history of troubled relationships, both romantic and otherwise?

#6. Is he unable or unwilling to understand or share your feelings and those of others?

#7. Does he expect special treatment and believe he deserves more than others?

#8. Does he use guilt, threats, or other tactics to get what he wants?

#9. Is he always seeking compliments and validation from others?

#10. Does he feel envious of others' successes and often believe others are envious of him?

#11. Is he charming and persuasive in a way that feels manipulative or insincere?

#12. Does he take advantage of others to achieve his own ends?

See also  Does My Husband Love Me? Quiz

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