Does He Love Me? Quiz (How to Know He Actually Loves You)

Knowing if he truly loves you is important because it creates the foundation for a happy, healthy relationship. When you’re confident that his love is real, it builds trust and makes you feel secure and appreciated. This mutual respect and care help both of you to grow together and support each other through everything. It also means you can be more confident in your relationship’s future, avoiding unnecessary heartache and making sure you’re both committed and happy. Reflecting on these quiz questions can help you gain clarity about his feelings and the health of your relationship.

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#1. Overall, do you feel happy, secure, and confident in his love for you?

#2. Does he value your opinions and treat you as an equal?

#3. Does he introduce you to his family and friends?

#4. As far as you know, does he share openly and truthfully with you?

#5. Active listening shows he cares about your thoughts and feelings.

#6. Does he respect your boundaries and not try to push them when he knows it makes you uncomfortable?

#7. Relationships require give and take. Is he willing to find middle ground and practice compromise?

#8. Does he work towards resolving issues calmly and fairly?

#9. Does he remember all the little things about you?

#10. Does he encourage and support you in your personal and professional endeavors?

#11. Regardless of how busy he is, does he prioritize spending time with you?

#12. Does he stand by you during disagreements with others and always have your back?

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